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AFSE-Update: plus 5 years

After 5 years, the AFSE qualification can be extended for a further 5 years. The procedure is described below and an application form is available for download.


An AFSE qualification acquired for the first time is valid for 5 years. The following steps are required to extend the qualification for a further 5 years:

  1. Send us an email to fs.training@sgs.com with the application form and instruct us to extend the AFSE for a further 5 years. With your application documents, you must provide plausible evidence that you have worked predominantly as a functional safety expert in the automotive sector over the last 3 years.
  2. Once your application has been reviewed, we will send you a new AFSE certificate, which will again be valid for 5 years.
    The certificate will be extended by 5 years from the original validity date.


Benzstr. 28
D-82178 Puchheim near Munich

Central Training Management
t +49 89 787475 – 288

Dates and booking