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Machine Safety - better out of the danger zone!

Maximum machine safety is a duty rather than an accessory - always. In order for you as an operator or plant manufacturer to exclude risks to people, you need detailed knowledge of machines and machine safety components, their areas of application and the potential hazards. All of this is contained in the Machinery Directive 2023/1230, which applies at European level.

Our experts are always a smart choice when it comes to bringing your knowledge as an engineer, designer, technician or programmer to the best possible level in theory and practice. We know and master all the standards and directives covered by Machinery Directive 2023/1230 and are also closely networked with industry and research. We ensure machine safety. Today. Tomorrow. Experienced. Accredited.



We ensure machine safety.

Machine safety: We know how to avoid risks.

In addition to our standard repertoire, you can expect the following services from us:

  • Support with the Industrial Safety Ordinance
  • Formal review of the conformity assessment in accordance with Machinery Ordinance 2023/1230
  • Testing of sensor logic and actuator functions and integration in accordance with standards, e.g. ISO 13849, IEC 61508
  • Testing of safety-relevant software and hardware functions in accordance with standards, e.g. ISO 13849, IEC 61508
  • Assessment of functional tests and fault simulations
  • Preparation of a technical report (e.g. with certificate)
  • Evaluation of your SISTEMA calculations

Whether risk assessment or safety concept: We are at your side for all matters relating to your machine safety.

A sound decision: Our advice on machine safety.

Are you wondering how ISO 13849 can be implemented in your company? Do you need a technical sparring partner for developing solutions with the IFA software assistant SISTEMA? Or is EN 62061 and its relation to IEC 61508 on your agenda? There is a lot to consider to ensure that you are on the safe side as a plant operator or on the (legally) safe side as an engineer or project manager in mechanical engineering.

We at SGS-TÜV Saar are here to support you. Our experts have a wealth of practical experience and will be happy to advise you on all normative issues and the Machinery Directive.

We offer workshops and support to clarify standards requirements. If specific product and process developments require the involvement of a cooperation partner due to accreditation requirements in order to provide a comprehensive service, we deliver solutions within the framework of our international SGS and partner network.

We check and audit concepts, products or processes.

Concepts, processes or machines: Count on tests with reliable results.

On request, we at SGS-TÜV Saar will be happy to do more for your machine safety: Our technically sound testing of concepts, processes and products will help you to meet the highest quality standards - also as an assessment during development. We are an accredited company for functional safety.

Our standards:

  • ISO 13849
  • IEC 62061
  • IEC 61508
  • ISO 10218
  • EN 60204
  • ISO 12100

You can therefore rely on the excellently trained experts at SGS-TÜV Saar and thus on tests that will help you as an engineer, developer or project manager and take the pressure off you in your day-to-day work.

Machine Safety: You can rely on these certificates.

On request, we at SGS-TÜV Saar will be happy to do more for your machine safety.

Underpin your customers' trust with certificates. Prove that documents such as the risk assessment, the operating instructions or the design and software documents have been created by you in accordance with the guidelines and that cyber security has also been taken into account.

Use the certification by SGS-TÜV Saar for a strong public image of your brand and the decisive plus in trust with your customers. Contact us.

What we do for your machine safety:

Developmental assessment

Delay-free access to updated standards

High performance through synergy effects

Maximum agility thanks to strong and experienced teams

Interdisciplinary collaboration for optimum testing depth

Product protection through court-proof expert assessment

Excellent quality through international assessor qualification

We look forward to your inquiry

Send us a message
Functional Safety (Munich)

Benzstr. 28
D-82178 Puchheim near Munich

t: +49 89 787475 288




Functional Safety (Dortmund)

Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 13
D-44227 Dortmund

t: +49 231 9742 7301