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Personal qualification program Cyber Security in the Industry

Become a Certified Industry Cyber Security Professional (CICSP) with the personal qualification program from SGS-TÜV Saar.  Our specialized qualification program is aimed at professionals who want to strengthen their skills in the field of cyber security for industrial environments. 

Why this qualification program?

The importance of cyber security in industrial environments is critical. As a certified expert in cyber security, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge according to internationally recognized standards and best practices in this field such as IEC 62443. This underlines your commitment to the protection and security of industrial systems against cyber threats.

What to expect:

  • Our comprehensive program tests your knowledge of cyber security concepts, risk assessment, security lifecycle and more, specifically adapted to the requirements of the industrial environment.
  • We offer not only certification, but also an in-depth understanding of the complex requirements of cyber security in industrial systems.
Our experts will answer your questions!

Your benefits

Recognized certification as an expert in cyber security in the industrial environment.

Access to highly specialized knowledge and the latest developments in cyber security for Industry 4.0.

Integration into a network of specialists and experts to exchange knowledge, discuss best practices and develop innovative solutions.

All courses/exams can also be booked as in-house events.

How to become a CICSP

The qualification program includes the training modules CS1 and CS3, as well as the final examination to become a CICSP.

The training modules and the exam can also be booked individually.

All courses/exams can also be booked as in-house events.

Personal Certification Program CICSP

We look forward to your inquiry!

Contact us per e-mail

Central Training Management 

Benzstr. 28
D-82178 Puchheim near Munich

t: +49 89 787475 – 288

Central Training Management 

Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 13
D-44227 Dortmund

t +49 231 97427 – 301