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Functional Safety Automotive - ISO 26262 - Software development: Detailed knowledge for software developers

This training module provides an overview of the entire ISO 26262 and presents the additional requirements for software development and their practical implementation in a clear manner.

Training contents of the module K9

  • Overview of the content and requirements of ISO 26262, with a focus on parts 2, 6, 8, 9 and 10
  • Essential additional requirements compared to Automotive SPICE
  • Development of standard software as SEooC
  • Special features, examples from practice
  • Dealing with proven "legacy software" in safety-relevant control units

Target group

Software developers with initial/without application experience in development according to ISO26262


2 days



The seminar is also available on request, in-house by arrangement. Our training courses take place with a minimum of three registered participants. We will be happy to inform you about the current status, please contact us. You will receive a confirmation of registration approx. 4 weeks before the training.


Benzstr. 28
D-82178 Puchheim near Munich

Central Training Management
t +49 89 787475 – 288

Dates and booking