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Software Development

Security-oriented Software Development


The demands on the software development process for safety-relevant systems go beyond the already high quality requirements. In this training module, the application of the software security lifecycle of software and the interpretation of the techniques and measures to be selected are explained in a clear manner.


  • Software development process according to IEC 61508-3 (Ed. 2)
  • Selection of techniques and measures for SIL-compliant software development
  • Project documentation


1 day

Target group

Safety managers, analysts


On request.

All courses can also be booked as in-house events.

All training courses are available as hybrid training courses.
You can take part in the training both in person and online via MS Teams.

Please indicate which form of participation you would like when registering.

Our training courses take place with a minimum of three registered participants. We will be happy to inform you about the current status, please contact us.

You will receive a confirmation of registration approx. 4 weeks before the training.


Benzstr. 28
D-82178 Puchheim near Munich

Central Training Management
t +49 89 787475 – 288

Dates and booking