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ISO/SAE 21434 – Road Vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering


The cyber security standard for road vehicles published in August 2021 is a joint development of ISO and SAE.

Gain knowledge to define cyber security management systems and understand the underlying cyber security lifecycle as part of our "Security for Safety (S4S)" approach. The application of this lifecycle will be illustrated using an example including potential challenges and solutions.


  • Introduction to ISO/SAE 21434
    Aspects of overall cybersecurity management
    • Comparison with the functional safety management of ISO 26262
  • Requirements in project-related cybersecurity management
  • Methods of risk assessment
  • Phases of product development
    • Concept phase
    • Product development
    • Comparison with the safety lifecycle of ISO 26262
  • Cybersecurity validation
  • Requirements for production, operation and maintenance


2 days

Target group

Responsible persons from the automotive industry



All training courses are available as hybrid training courses. You can take part in the training either in person or online via MS Teams. When registering, please indicate which form of participation you would like.

Our training courses take place with a minimum of three registered participants. We will be happy to inform you about the current status, please contact us.

You will receive a confirmation of registration approx. 4 weeks before the training.


Benzstr. 28
D-82178 Puchheim near Munich

Central Training Management
t +49 89 787475 – 288

Dates and booking