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Introduction to ISO 21448


As a logical extension of ISO 26262 ("Road Vehicles - Functional Safety"), ISO 21448 ("SOTIF") forms a unit that builds on it. The well-known "Functional Safety" of ISO 26262 is extended by the aspect of "Functional Performance" in order to create a framework for current and future solutions for the realization of highly automated driving functions.

To ensure that you are already familiar with the upcoming requirements of ISO 21448, SGS-TÜV Saar offers a training course on the SOTIF standard in which we present the requirements of the standard and work out how to implement these requirements with the help of an example. As the safety life cycle of ISO 26262 forms the basis for the SOTIF process, the additional requirements of the SOTIF standard are presented on this basis.

The training is designed for a duration of 3 days and can be completed with the SOTIF PRO qualification.

Focus of the training

  • Introduction to SOTIF according to ISO 21448, connection to functional safety, SOTIF management & processes

Target group

As a logical extension of functional safety in accordance with ISO 26262, the implementation of the requirements of ISO 21448 is the responsibility of the "Safety Manager" role.

The engineering activities mainly relate to the system level and are therefore of particular interest to system developers and system testers (verification & validation).

The final assessment of the achieved "Safety of the Indended Functionality" according to ISO 21448 is carried out using an acceptance process, which should be implemented as part of a "Functional Safety Assessment" in order to make optimum use of the synergy effects of the two standards. The training is therefore also relevant for assessors.

Detailed agenda for the SOTIF training course

  • Introduction to SOTIF (ISO 21448:2022) and its connection to functional safety (ISO 26262:2018)
  • Overview and organization of SOTIF activities
  • SOTIF management and processes & supporting processes
  • SOTIF in the concept phase - definition and specification of vehicle functions, taking into account the intended use and the relevant use cases and conditions + identification and evaluation of hazards
  • SOTIF in the development phase - Identification and evaluation of "functional deficiencies" and "trigger events" that could lead to dangerous behavior + Development of "SOTIF measures" and methods to avoid and/or mitigate risks
  • SOTIF in verification & validation - evaluation and specification of strategies for integration and testing + evaluation of known and unknown dangerous scenarios
  • SOTIF release - evaluation and release of the SOTIF achieved as part of a "Functional Safety Assessment" in accordance with ISO 26262:2018
  • Continuous example with exercises through all the above steps


3 days


(Completion possible as part of a SOTIF PRO personal qualification)


Benzstr. 28
D-82178 Puchheim near Munich

Central Training Management
t +49 89 787475 – 288

Dates and booking