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Automotive SPICE®:
How to optimize your
development processes.

As an ECU supplier, the evaluation of the performance of your development processes according to Automotive SPICE® is mandatory. We at SGS-TÜV Saar support you in the design and implementation of standards-compliant processes - both in the present and for possible future scenarios.

Our extensive knowledge of the automotive industry and years of active work with ISO 26262 make us a real practitioner and therefore a reliable service provider for the realization of your projects.

To ensure that we can implement a project as efficiently as possible, we maintain an established and trusting partnership with Process Fellows.

Your added value: You receive a complete package individually tailored to your project consisting of:

  • Training
  • Consulting
  • Gap-Analysis
  • Functional Safety Audit
  • Automotive SPICE® Assessment.

Put us to the test! You can look forward to reliable statements on the maturity level of your projects and to tests, training and consulting that will significantly advance your product development.

Automotive SPICE® is your topic?

At SGS-TÜV Saar you benefit from these services:

Training and further education of Provisional and Competent Assessors

Training and further education for users of Automotive SPICE® and ISO 26262

Setting up and coordinating process improvement projects for the integration of Automotive SPICE® and ISO 26262

Carrying out product and process reviews

We look forward to your inquiry

Send us a message
Functional Safety (Munich)

Benzstr. 28
D-82178 Puchheim near Munich

t: +49 89 787475 271



Functional Safety (Dortmund)

Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 13
D-44227 Dortmund

t: +49 231 9742 7300